Too often I hear "I don't have time to exercise", or "I'll get back on my diet tomorrow". I'm as guilty for not looking after my physical health as anyone. Most people know what they have to do, but it doesn't take priority. Physical health, along with our mental wellbeing, are critical in times of constant and disruptive change. Especially now.
If physical health is an area you seek to improve, use #workingfromhome to recalibrate your focus. Bring a fresh mindset to your physical health. Here is my E.N.E.R.G.I.S.E strategy to leverage in your renewal:
(E)NVISION. The concept of visioning is not new. It's understood by most, practised by only a few. I talked about knowing yourself to a much deeper level in #1 of this blog series. Taking what you know, adding new goals and aspirations, will help build your vision. Try to broaden your vision to more than a toned body or weight goal. Visioning is about process, how life looks throughout your pursuit of health and wellness. It should be simple, provide clarity and offer motivation to take one step at a time. It is grounded in the present, with aspirations that motivate and fulfil. Do it everyday, in moments of stillness and moments of movement. It's the fuel for your soul.
(N)UTRITION. I'm no nutritionist but every health expert I've spoken to emphasises the need for good nutrition. We can overcomplicate this. So I suggest you tackle it this way. Understand your relationship with food. Eat fresh. Moderate input. Listen to your body. Balance is the key. This can be super difficult for some. So partner up, with a friend, a professional, a coach, whatever works. Focus on the quality of your intake.
(E)XERCISE. Goes without saying that structured movement that elevates the body's systems will provide short and long term health benefits. The evidence is there. Structured movement doesn't have to mean running 5km. Choose activities that you love. Yoga, aerobics, golf all offer different outcomes. Think of it as setting up an investment portfolio. Diversify to minimise risk. Set short and long term goals. Most importantly, don't just go through the motions. Enjoy the burn.
(R)OUTINE. Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson sums it up well. "Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come." Consistent execution works. Your body will adapt. You will change. Programming a routine helps focus. It also helps adaptation. Find times and spaces that work for you.
(G)RIND. With any transformation comes barriers, hurdles, self doubt. You will question yourself. You will find reasons to pause, to detour. You will settle for tomorrow morning, for next Monday, after homework is done, once the pandemic has passed. Strengthen your vision. Reach out and ask for help. Push through. Mute the self talk. Just do.
(I)NVEST. In all aspects. Access and work through medical advice. Allocate time. Build a support network that will hold you to account. Get family involved. Understand what returns you are seeking and validate them. Be practical. You're in this for the long haul. Lifestyle changes take time to embed. Metrics help, but set wellbeing indicators that mean something to you.
(Z)IG-ZAG. Changing environments, circumstances, economics will force you to pivot. Gyms open one day, closed the next. What do you do? Adapt. Use what you have to keep momentum. Be inventive. Work day extends, book time. Find a mentor, be a mentor. Google's vast resources will outpace even the quickest of your demands. Learn on the move.
(E)NJOY. The most important in any transformation. Find a way to enjoy it. The solitude, the exertion, the planning, even the temptation. Make conscious decisions. Autopilot belongs on planes. Have fun, and if it stops being fun, change.
Act now. Stop reading and start moving. Stop medicating and start enjoying. You have the time. No excuses. Energise!